- Cable TV Companies & Services, Zellwood
- Cargo Containers, Zellwood - Freight Containers
- Casual Dining Restaurants, Zellwood
- Central American Restaurants, Zellwood
- Chemical Products, Zellwood - Chemical Distributors, Dealers, Wholesale, etc
- Churches 1 Of 3, Zellwood
- Churches 2 Of 3, Zellwood
- Coffee Brewing Devices, Zellwood
- Communications Services, Zellwood
- Community Services, Zellwood
- Concrete, Zellwood - Cement & Concrete Products, Suppliers, Companies
- Concrete Additives, Zellwood
- Construction, Zellwood
- Convenience Stores, Zellwood
- Country Clubs, Zellwood
- Country Cooking Restaurants, Zellwood
- Custom Furniture, Zellwood - Furniture Designers & Custom Builders