Florida > Ocala Yellow Pages > Motor Vehicle > Auto Services > Gas Station - Service & Filling Station -

Ocala Gas Station - Service & Filling Station

Local Businesses: 30

Blitchton Bp

3760 Northwest Blitchton Road
Ocala, FL 34475-4636
(352) 622-4430
Nahima Ahmed (President)
Products: Automotive Fluids, Batteries, Groceries, Snacks, Tobacco
Categories: Gas Station, Grocery Stores & Supermarkets


3710 Southwest College Road
Ocala, FL 34474-4441
(352) 236-1919
Categories: Gas Station


9433 Southeast Maricamp Road
Ocala, FL 34472-2413
(352) 687-4300
Categories: Oil & Petroleum Products, Gas Station


3901 Northwest Blitchton Road
Ocala, FL 34475-6765
(352) 622-6322
Products: Antifreeze, Automotive Fluids, Coolants, Fuel, Groceries, Lubricants, Lubricating…
Categories: Gas Station


5985 West Highway 40
Ocala, FL 34482-5573
(352) 732-2400
Dennis Dubberly (Manager)
Products: Antifreeze, Automotive Fluids, Coolants, Fuel, Groceries, Lubricants, Lubricating…
Categories: Gas Station

Citgo Service Center

1001 South Pine Avenue
Ocala, FL 34471-9806
(352) 867-0810
Harry Miller (General Manager)
Products: Automotive Fluids, Fuel, Lubricants, Oils, Petroleum, Lubes
Services: Repairs & Diagnostics, Domestic & Import, Cars & Trucks, Brakes, Tire Service,…
Categories: Brake Service & Repair, Gas Station

College Bp

3821 Southwest College Road
Ocala, FL 34474-5725
(352) 671-3223 +view more
Momtaz Hossain (Manager)
Categories: Gas Station

Darren's Automotive And Tire

6910 Southeast 58th Avenue
Ocala, FL 34480-7732
(352) 245-2550
Darren Jennings (Manager)
Categories: Auto Repair Shops & Maintenance Service, Gas Station, Tires - Wholesale & Retail

Dhan Inc Texaco

3710 Southwest College Road
Ocala, FL 34474-4441
(352) 237-1020
Products: Accessories, Gasoline, Lubricants, Petroleum, Snacks, Fuel, Gas, Lubes, Pop
Services: Inspections, Oil Changes, Repairs, Automotive Repair, Diagnostics, Inspection…
Categories: Gas Station

Diamond Oil

1952 Northeast 35th Street
Ocala, FL 34479-2912
(352) 629-5933
Shan Ali (Manager)
Categories: Gas Station

Express Food Mart

3257 Northeast Jacksonville Road
Ocala, FL 34479-2855
(352) 620-8015 +view more
Categories: Gas Station, Convenience Stores

Florida Citgo

1737 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34470-6922
(352) 629-6809
Phall Owner (Owner)
Products: Automotive Fluids, Fuel, Lubricants, Oils, Petroleum, Lubes
Services: Domestic, Foreign, Imports
Categories: Gas Station, Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Ganesh 9 Inc

331 Northwest 20th Street
Ocala, FL 34475-9153
(352) 690-1885 +view more
Categories: Gas Station

Joy Food Stores Inc

2421 Northwest 10th Street
Ocala, FL 34475-5712
(352) 351-4399
James Bushey (Manager)
Categories: Gas Station

Kangaroo Express

5201 South Pine Avenue
Ocala, FL 34480-7518
(352) 629-8606
Travis Cecil (Manager)
Products: Accessories, Automotive Fluids, Beverages, Food, Fuel, Groceries, Lottery,…
Services: Accessories, Food, Fuel, Restrooms, Snacks
Categories: Gas Station, Convenience Stores

Murphy Usa

4986 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34470-3268
(352) 236-2854
Kathie Richards (Manager)
Categories: Petroleum Refining, Gas Station

Navin Enterprises Inc

1741 South Pine Avenue
Ocala, FL 34471-8189
(352) 620-8000 +view more
M Islam (Owner)
Categories: Gas Station

Ocala Pit Shop

2711 West Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34475-5657
(352) 629-6595
Categories: Gas Station

Paago Llc

1655 Southwest Highway 484
Ocala, FL 34473-3986
(352) 307-2343
Terry White (Manager)
Categories: Gas Station

Parrett's Station

3780 Northwest Gainesville Road
Ocala, FL 34475-3478
(352) 629-3375 +view more
Peter Patel (Manager)
Categories: Gas Station

Pine Street Chevron

905 South Pine Avenue
Ocala, FL 34471-0994
(352) 629-6611
Mike Ramuni (Manager)
Products: Antifreeze, Automotive Fluids, Coolants, Fuel, Groceries, Lubricants, Lubricating…
Categories: Gas Station

Quick And Easy Mart Corporation

5790 Northeast 7th Street
Ocala, FL 34470-1128
(352) 236-5662
Categories: Gas Station


4820 Southwest College Road
Ocala, FL 34474-5742
(352) 237-7847
Categories: Gas Station


1525 Southwest Highway 484
Ocala, FL 34473-8609
(352) 245-0334
Categories: Gas Station


3535 West Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34475-5641
(352) 368-5041 +view more
Carolyn (Manager)
Products: Gasoline, Fuel, Gas
Categories: Gas Station


3750 Northwest Blitchton Road
Ocala, FL 34475-4636
(352) 369-1295 +view more
Connie Hughes (Manager)
Products: Gasoline, Fuel, Gas
Categories: Gas Station

Shore's Bp

9433 Southeast Maricamp Road
Ocala, FL 34472-2413
(352) 687-4300 +view more
Gulshan Hussain (President)
Categories: Gas Station


963 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34470-6707
(352) 368-5712
Neil Patel (Vp)
Products: Accessories, Beverages, Gasoline, Snacks, Drinks, Food, Fuel, Gas, Munchies,…
Services: Accessories, Gasoline, Inspections, Maintenance, Oil Changes, Repairs, Snacks,…
Categories: Gas Station


4986 East Silver Springs Boulevard
Ocala, FL 34470-3268
(352) 236-2854
Categories: Gas Station


9558 Southwest Highway 200
Ocala, FL 34481-7720
(352) 237-8952
Categories: Gas Station
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